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August 2024 - Soulful Living & Wisdom Periodical

August 2024's Soulful Living & Wisdom Periodical offers a short story about self-awareness and a healing journey. May you be blessed on your life path.

The woman doing a forward stretch with her left leg extended forward, and her heel on the floor between her hands.

May you enjoy the full version of the August 2024 - Soulful Living & Wisdom Periodical available on the blog site of Integrative Therapies & Consulting. You're invited to share what inspired you, personal experiences that resonate with the topics, and uplifting thoughts in the comment section below.


A story about self-awareness and the healing journey...

Let me tell you a story about a woman who was met with a challenge she didn't expect, and it changed the course of how she thought she should 'do' life.

A new segment in the life chapter begins...

She picked up her phone and saw the text verification for her appointment from the specialist. Her doctor recommended them for the various symptoms she'd dealt with, mostly in silence, for a good portion of her life.

As she pulled up to the location of the specialist, her heart began to race, and her mind flooded with a myriad of thoughts. Her body began to signal that emotions unrelated to just walking into an appointment, wanted to arise. She paused, breathed deeply, and surrendered any need to control an outcome, knowing that whatever is or isn't discovered this time, is still a direction. Her mind and body relaxed. "Just focus on where you're going, moving your feet, and looking for the correct office number and name." She thought to herself as she simultaneously felt her feet touch the ground, noticing her breathe in and out, and looked down the hallway at names and office numbers related to each door she passed by until she reached the correct one.

During the exam, the conversation led to the doctor asking her questions about her past that she didn't usually have asked of her with medical doctors. She was hesitant to answer because it made her feel vulnerable, which in turn made her feel unsafe. "I'm asking you these questions because, in research, and in my 40 years of being in this field [of medicine], ninety-nine percent that's ever been given this diagnosis has had some kind of intense trauma in their life and has the various symptoms you're experiencing now and over the years. At least once in their adult life, but mostly in their childhood and something in their adulthood that caused the body and nervous system to respond in this way." The doctor stated as a matter of fact.

Then speaking with a tone of deep compassion, the specialist said, "I know it seems unfair because it's probably more like a scar from harm that is felt throughout your whole body, feeling like you're reliving the pain of events past over and over, and it's all based on something that wasn't your fault. The body does truly offer a tell-tale sign of one's life experiences. This is considered a form of damage to the brain that happens when the brain is still developing. It also happens when individuals suffer mental, emotional, or physical traumatic experiences at any age. Results vary from person to person, as do the symptoms." Science and medicine understand more than ever before that every aspect of a human being is interrelated and must be treated holistically and functionally.

As she left the doctor's office, she felt a flooding of emotions arise with various memories ranging from her adulthood to childhood, when she was met with unwarranted harm mentally, emotionally, and physically. She climbed into her car, feeling like she was carrying the weight of pain and anguish of generations on her shoulders and in her body. Her whole body shook as she cried and wailed as if giving birth to a stillborn child. And she thought to herself, "Why me? This all seems so pointless." She sat for some time, letting herself feel the emotions of fear, shame, guilt, resentment, anger, sadness, and grief. She held and rocked herself, as though she were holding, soothing, and comforting that little girl that she once was.

She decided she was going to go deeper than ever before to give that inner child what she'd not received from others. And to heal any aspects of her body, mind, and emotions that were signaling her undivided care, love, and attention to allow her natural well-being to flow uninhibited as much as possible. In that moment, it became the beginning of a new healing journey in that chapter of her life.

The beginning of a new healing journey...

Day by day she remembered the tools she'd learned through the living of life, training, and education she had, knowing she could continue to learn whatever else was needed to help herself, and others along the way. She took time to acknowledge those parts of her that she used to ignore because they were difficult to face and process. Her body made it clear that it hadn't gone away, and she knew only too well that a diagnosis and symptoms were the evidence of how these patterns of energy were manifesting.

She refined her nutritional and dietary practices and modified her exercise routine. And reminds herself daily that it's just one day at a time, focusing on what she can do that day, allowing it to be whatever it needs to be, including rest or changing appointments and plans. After all, if the body and mind do not function, and cease to exist, everything else will not matter anyway. Just as she values the life and well-being of others, she knew it was time to invest that same love, care, and compassion in those parts of her she learned to reject as others demonstrated and taught her to do. It was time to stop the chain of pain and emotional dissociation, which begins from within through soulful [shamanic] journeying.

She took her 'own' advice, modifying and adapting where she needed to, as she went along, utilizing herbs, supplements, and food as medicine. And most importantly, doing the shadow work with the contrasting aspects that were already manifested. She practiced being with, allowing, and moving through the emotions that are stored as an imprint in the human psyche.

She recalled how she had healed from other challenges and a diagnosis given to her in the past that was considered a permanent, chronic, and debilitating degree of vertigo. And that is not a part of her experience now. She is allowing herself the leeway to be healed and free from this 'confirmed' (permanent) diagnosis of fibromyalgia and the chronic fatigue, pain, and digestive challenges that have accompanied it. At the same time, she is allowing it is possible to just get to a manageable state, whatever the case may be. She's open. She's willing. She's taking charge of how she sees the circumstances to transform into a better version of herself in body, mind, and spirit - whatever that may look like.

She is aware that now is the time to go deeper into soulful living and tap into the wisdom of Source Energy, the Universe, Unify Field, Mother Earth, and the wisdom of the master teachers who have gone before us.

Full health and recovery is her 'north star', while asking herself "What can I do just for today that will point me in that direction?"

Picture of Josephine Sheppard in a meditative state, eyes closed, and hands gently resting on her heart.

If you haven't figured it out yet, 'she' is me. It is scary to share personal challenges, but I find it more important for me to share because I want to offer you options on how to address your life challenges and know that you're not alone, either.

There are a couple of things I've learned while working through my challenge with fibromyalgia and the chronic fatigue, pain, and digestive challenges that have accompanied it - even before being given a formal diagnosis.

  1. Creating your own work/life balance is a necessity, not a luxury or 'reward' for hard work.

  2. Breaking down your steps in daily health care, healing, and recovery exercises, nutrition, and practices will make a difference, and is essential to develop long-term results.

  3. Your mindset, beliefs, and attitude are everything and where your true power and control are. It is what allows you to be open or not and venture forward step-by-step or not.

This includes how we question our circumstances and how we speak encouragingly to ourselves, or if we're disempowering ourselves. When we're not empowering ourselves through the way we see or speak internally, it's not because we are lazy, bad, or dumb. It's merely an indication that we've learned some patterns of behavior that aren't serving us.

That's great to know because, in our awareness, we can improve!! That's empowering!!

A positive reminder

Life is a journey, not a destination. You're deserving of loving care, support, and attention. The proof is evident by your very existence!

An invitation

If we haven't met yet, my name is Josephine Sheppard. I provide services as a Natural Health Consultant, Trauma-Informed Coach, Self-Development Author, Speaker, and Teacher. If you would like to talk about what your challenges are and see if I can help, feel free to contact me, when you're ready.


We have several upcoming events and would love you and your friends to join us! Please see the calendar for details, and like and follow us on our Facebook page, and check out the items in our little shop. Thank you.

Remember to "live in AAWE" and let YOUR light shine through soulful living and wisdom.


Expect Blessings,


~ Josephine

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"Josephine is a gifted healer and mentor. I took the Soul-Wise sessions [now primarily considered an aspect of Shamanic Journeying and Energy Center Attunement] from her and found these sessions to be inspirational.

Josephine is a gentle guide that led me to experience my soul's essence. It was a very special moment for me when I felt the light around me and the peace it brought.

I highly recommend Josephine for spiritual guidance and look forward to taking more time with her in the future."  - Pat D.       

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