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How I Use Journaling Prompts to Heal My Inner Child: A Confident Guide for Highly Sensitive People

As a highly sensitive person on the journey of healing my inner child, I have discovered the profound impact that journaling prompts can have on this transformative process. In this guide, I will walk you through how I use journaling prompts to heal my inner child, providing a safe space for reflection and growth.

Understanding Inner Child Healing

Before delving into the journaling prompts, let's touch on what inner child healing entails. Our inner child represents the vulnerable, authentic self that we carry within us, often shaped by past experiences and traumas. Healing the inner child involves nurturing this wounded part of ourselves, creating a sense of safety and healing that paves the way for emotional well-being.

Inner child healing is a process that involves acknowledging and healing emotional wounds and traumas from childhood. It's based on the idea that our early experiences can have a lasting impact on our emotional and psychological well-being as adults. Particularly because our brains are very malleable in our childhood to learn and grow.

"Healing the inner child involves identifying and acknowledging these experiences, allowing ourselves to feel and process the associated emotions, and learning to let go of negative beliefs and behaviors that stem from those experiences. Through healing, we can find inner peace, self-love, and personal growth." - Quote from Recovery Ways

A picture of a family walking on a trail alongside a mountain trail, wearing backpacks, and the three children holding hands while walking in between their mother and father.

Here are some aspects of inner child healing: 

  • Understanding the inner child

    The inner child represents the parts of ourselves that have been wounded, neglected, or unacknowledged. It's the part of us that still holds onto past pain and unresolved issues. 

  • Reparenting the inner child

    Inner child healing involves reconnecting with these parts of ourselves and providing the nurturing, love, and support that we need as a child. 

  • Self-discovery

    Inner child healing helps us understand our behaviors, triggers, wants, and needs. 

  • Self-compassion

    Inner child healing can help us find more self-compassion and create a more compassionate and understanding relationship with our inner self, such as practices utilized in shamanic journeying and spiritual counseling

  • Therapy

    The safest and most effective way to heal your inner child is alongside a trauma-informed mental health professional. Some examples of trauma therapy include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT), prolonged exposure therapy, and eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). 

  • Daily movement

    Daily movement and fresh air can also help with inner child healing. More specifically, Somatic movement can help heal the inner child by helping people release emotions and trauma, and by teaching them to embrace their bodies as allies in their healing journey through somatic liberation, gentle movements, and connecting with the body through functional and somatic movement. Forms of Qigong, and gentle, or slow yoga have also been known to be beneficial in the healing journey of the inner child.

The Power of Journaling for Inner Child Healing

Journaling serves as a therapeutic tool in the realm of inner child healing, offering a channel for self-expression and introspection. Through the act of journaling, we can create a dialogue with our inner child, acknowledging past hurts and embracing a path toward healing.

Exploring Journaling Prompts

Here are some journaling prompts that have been instrumental in my inner child healing journey:

  • Reconnecting with Childhood Memories: Reflect on a happy memory from your childhood. How does it make you feel? Take extra time with these to develop your internal (emotional) "safe place" for your inner child to retreat to during the healing process.

  • Identifying Emotional Triggers: What situations trigger intense emotional reactions in you? Explore the root of these triggers. Understanding from your adult viewpoint can help you nurture the inner child to allow the nervous system to reregulate to the current moment, and not stay in the past "program".

  • Nurturing Your Inner Child: If your inner child could speak to you, what would they say? How can you (your adult self) offer comfort and support? This is a form of reparenting as a means to healing and releasing the emotional charge behind memories.

  • Forgiving Past Wounds: Write a letter of forgiveness to someone who has hurt you in the past. Notice how it feels to let go of resentment. Do this from the adult you, once you have created the "safe place" and sense of security the inner child needed to feel at the time, that you now provide in the reparenting process.

  • Embracing Self-Love: List five things that bring you joy and make you feel loved. How can you incorporate more of these into your life? This is a great exercise to do daily to retain the brain and nervous system to reach for empowering thought patterns and memories versus the disempowering ones.

My Healing Journey Through Journaling

Through consistent practice of journaling in combination with some of the other aspects of inner child healing listed above, I have witnessed profound shifts in my emotional well-being and self-awareness. Each prompt serves as a stepping stone towards deeper healing and understanding of my inner child's needs.

A hispanic woman with long, wavy black hair, wearing hoop earrings, is journaling while sitting at a table, in front of a window, and smiling.

Embracing Vulnerability and Strength

Healing the inner child requires us to embrace vulnerability with a stance of strength. Journaling prompts act as a mirror, reflecting our innermost thoughts and emotions, and guiding us towards compassion and self-acceptance.

Self-Compassion in Inner Child Healing

As highly sensitive individuals and those healing from any trauma or childhood complexities, self-compassion plays a crucial role in our healing journey. By engaging with journaling prompts, we cultivate a sense of understanding and kindness towards ourselves, laying the foundation for profound inner transformation.

In conclusion, journaling prompts are a powerful ally in the realm of inner child healing for highly sensitive individuals. Through introspection, reflection, and self-expression, we can create a nurturing space for our inner child to heal and thrive. Embrace the process with patience and resilience, knowing that each journaling prompt is a gentle step towards profound healing and self-discovery.

May your journey towards healing your inner child be filled with compassion, growth, and resilience.

Remember, you are worthy of love and healing.

Affirmation to Get Started

Today, I journal with a heart full of hope and courage, nurturing the wounded parts of myself with love and understanding.


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"Josephine is a gifted healer and mentor. I took the Soul-Wise sessions [now primarily considered an aspect of Shamanic Journeying and Energy Center Attunement] from her and found these sessions to be inspirational.

Josephine is a gentle guide that led me to experience my soul's essence. It was a very special moment for me when I felt the light around me and the peace it brought.

I highly recommend Josephine for spiritual guidance and look forward to taking more time with her in the future."  - Pat D.       

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