Your full monthly newsletter offers a personal note from Josephine, and insight from Mother Earth, Nature, Oversoul, and Spirit-Guides.

Enjoy the full newsletter, "Soulful Living & Wisdom - Your June 2024 Periodical."
A Personal Note from My Soul to Yours...
It's an interesting thing to have a thought arise in the mind that says I may not have anything of value to say. And then returning fully grounded in the present moment, the heart of my Soul, and being still and listening, there is something to be said about value. Specifically about one's innate worth and value.
It is not uncommon for anyone to question their sense of worth or value. Even if they never speak about it aloud to anyone else. And even if a person doesn't recognize it within themselves. It has an interesting way of showing up to let us know we aren't operating from this natural state of ours, by the way we speak about ourselves, how present we are with others and ourselves, and how we treat ourselves, and others.
When we make a habit of listening to the opinions of others who believe themselves to be unworthy, we are prone to patterning after them. It may show up a little differently. For example, for one person it may show up as random outbursts or overreacting to the behavior or words of others. Whereas, another may be overly agreeable believing they are just keeping the peace, while fear, anger, resentment, and grief fester below the surface.
A way around and through this, regardless of how it is revealing itself to you, is retraining yourself to be grounded in your body. Allow yourself to feel your emotions - all of them, as they arise. It doesn't mean you need to act - or act out, on them. But it means being willing to experience them, validate their existence, and allow them to serve their purpose as the built-in guidance system that they are. This also helps prevent further manifestations of mental, emotional, and physical illness, disease, and dysfunction.
Don't get me wrong, this does not mean that you will never experience challenges. However, to 'know thyself' is to be empowered. Emotions are experienced within your own body, so we do have a choice in how we respond. And, yes - I know - I know, it doesn't feel easy, especially on certain topics, or with certain personality types, etc. As a society, we've taught each other to blame others, circumstances, and so on, and that we're all victims of each other in one form or another.
And it's time for us to wake up and question these thoughts that arise in our mind, before automatically believing every thought that does arise.
As we do so, we learn where our true power is - where we have control. This, of course, means we will need to relinquish the flawed premise that we have power and control (or should) over others, or vice versa because as long as we choose to lie to ourselves, we disempower ourselves and others. As we change ourselves, we have done our part in changing the world, as stated by Paramahansa Yogananda.
A Practice of Going Deeper
For the next week, I challenge you to set the intention that you will notice how you feel when a topic arises that usually causes you to bristle, react, or irritate you in some way. Then, before responding or reacting, ask yourself,
What emotion am I feeling?
Why am I feeling this way about it?
Is there a memory that I tend to go to when something like this arises?
What belief or story have I been practicing that would cause me to feel this way?
Is this story or belief serving me, my highest good, or the highest good of others, now?
And if not, am I willing to consider a new perspective - a different way of seeing this?
Then be willing to deeply and completely, love, accept, appreciate, and forgive yourself, anyway.
Would you like to take this to the next level? Click on one of the buttons below for ways we may be of service.
Insight into "Grounding and Inner Wisdom"...

Tapping into the insights of Mother Earth, Nature, Spirit-Guides, and Native Spirits, the Groundhog came to me a couple of times in the past two weeks to speak with us. It is a messenger of "grounding and inner wisdom."
The message from Spirit is:
"You speak in terms of being, or wanting to be, grounded. Let us clarify what that means from a broader perspective. It means alignment with the whole of you. It means being centered and attuned with Source Energy [that is] within you, all around you from your physical perspective, and surrounding you from a nonphysical perspective. You are in us, and we are in you.
As a groundhog we understand we are individualized expressions of the greater whole and know to value guidance or, as humans say, instinct how, where, and when to take action. We also do not conceptually - or otherwise, separate our consciousness or awareness from the knowing of this aspect of ourselves. This is what we may remind you to do for yourselves.
To do so, you will remember or relearn how to tap into your inner wisdom and allow the guidance, clarity, and direction you so often seek from outside yourselves, and one another. There is a time and place to heed the advice that may come 'through' another. And you would be able to recognize the resonance of it for you when you are tuned into your inner wisdom and aligned with your Souls perception of you, and your highest good. Like our knowing when to hibernate, when to get the attention of other groundhogs, because we're attuned to ourselves, we're innately attuned to one another and respond accordingly. In your human way of interacting, what is sure, right, and good for another - even if labeled as a common 'truth', doesn't mean it aligns with your needs, your highest good at that moment, or the path you are walking.
Be willing to question if something is 'true' for you, without making it wrong, bad, or unrealistic for another. Consider that some can eat peanuts, while others may experience illness or simple dislike. You or the others are not wrong, bad, or flawed in some way. Just different. It is so with other topics as well. The world is not all blank and white, and the Creator has created variety and differences - individuality, to serve [all of] our highest good and greater purpose of eternal expansion.
To know this for yourself, seek to 'know thyself'. Choose solitude to tune into the wisdom of your Soul - that which you truly are, and is in direct relationship to the Source Energy of all. The physical aspect you identify with is an extension of you - the Soul. In this practice, you will automatically be grounded and centered, allowing the clarity, insight, and intuitive 'knowing' you desire." - Translated from Spirit
Personal Thought and Soulful Insight to Consider...
I believe that we have so many distractions, and things that are also positive services, events, and spiritually insightful teachings, that it can be easier than ever to allow ourselves to become overwhelmed and lose sight of our direction, allowing the outer world to become our primary force of wisdom for self-application. Then when we add all the elements to life and living, choices made all day, every day... well you get the picture.
This message resonates with me on a couple of levels. I'm sure, like you, I love to learn. After all, we grow and evolve with exposure, intentional openness, and participation with various opportunities made available every day - especially now that it seems endless, and readily accessible with the worldwide internet and all the offers out there.
However, we also need to be in tune with the direction and intention of our own inner (soul) guidance. From our Highest, we will know if, when, and what will align with the culmination of what we've created for ourselves vibrational. And since everything is vibration - electromagnetic energy, then it serves us to operate and move ourselves with the fullness of this knowledge and understanding.
That is why I value the practices of mindfulness and meditation. Regardless if we are consistent and experienced in our practice, got away from it and need to reacquaint ourselves, or are new to these modalities, the art of tuning into the mind, body, and spirit connection is of value. Each day is a new day, and therefore it's an opportunity to choose a new state of being. Not only that, but things do arise in life that can shake up our perceived foundation. That too, serves us, regardless if we like it, or not.
If we have not practiced mindfulness or meditation, we will need a means to find and establish anew. If we are consistent, it aids in how we handle arising events, but we're still human and require continual re-tuning and balancing. There is no such thing as reaching a ceiling and being 'there' without continual renewal and regular application.
One more practiced is not superior to one that is not, because in regular practice we have access to and a viewpoint of our Highest, which never compares in this way. In the moments we find ourselves feeling, or needing to feel superior, we have slipped back into egoic, third-dimensional patterns. Not because we're flawed or bad. It's a pattern we've all learned, and through repetition, we will create patterns that aid in relieving ourselves of the old that no longer serve us or the highest good of all.
Are you interested in re-tuning your energy? Would you like support in connecting to your Highest? Allow us to be of service. Click the buttons below to learn more.
Have thoughts, insights, or personal experiences that you would like to share? We would love to hear from you, and have this community be more interactive! Now that we're publishing the newsletter on the blog, you're welcome to post in the comments. Please remember this is an open-minded, spiritually-based, judgment-free zone, which also requires keeping things 'PG' in text.
We have several upcoming events and would love you and your friends to join us! Please see the calendar for details.
Thank you for your business and for spreading the word to others! Remember to "live in AAWE" and let YOUR light shine through soulful living and wisdom.
Expect Blessings,
~ Josephine
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