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Stay Active For Better Health

Writer: Pat DavisonPat Davison

We are body, mind, and spirit. It is essential to understand how to care for yourself in each of these areas in your daily life to stay active for better health.

Three women splashing their feet in water on the beach as the sun is rising.


There is new research about the benefits of exercise for your body and specifically your brain. The CDC highlights the benefits of exercise for brain function. A person who gets regular exercise, five days a week, is likely to have improved thinking, problem-solving capabilities, and emotional balance. Exercise can reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Another benefit is improved sleep. Exercise can also reduce the risk of common cancers.  


The CDC recommends 150 minutes of moderate physical activity weekly. While this seems daunting, it breaks down to 30 minutes for five days a week.  These thirty minutes can be broken down into 10-minute sections three times a day. This would include brisk walking and muscle strengthening. There are also exercises to improve balance which can be helpful to avoid falls. The recommendation for balance training is to stand on one foot for a brief count and then repeat with the other foot. Hold onto a counter while you do this if you have problems balancing. A more aerobic balance exercise is something called a wobbleboard. This is a short, wide,  board with a half-moon piece under it and you place one and foot on each end of the board raise one end of the board down to the floor Alternate the motion by pushing the board down to the floor with alternate steps/ Again, use a counter to stabilize yourself if needed. Another recommendation is to use both strength and resistance exercises coupled with some aerobic exercises. The highlight of these actions is an improved mood. 


Another article published by Health Day on 12/14/23 stated that “research using MRI images showed that a person’s gray matter and white matter had larger volumes. These areas are responsible for processing information and white matter for memory." Research also shows that this marked a lesser risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. 


Brain health can also be achieved through mental stimulation like solving puzzles, reading, or learning about a subject that interests you. Many colleges offer free courses for adults and various courses for different interests. 


A mature woman sitting cross-legged on the floor with her eyes closed, meditating, with a laptop sitting in front of her.

Emotional health is important. People who are sleep-deprived or exhausted Have little motivation to do extra things to keep themselves sharp. Check yourself and learn what motivates you to find the work-life balance you need to stay healthy. Self-care should be a priority and not just a ‘spare time’ activity. This seems impossible for most working people or families with children, but it is essential for your resiliency. 

 Finally, develop a self-care plan customized to your lifestyle and circumstances. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Any of the suggestions in this article, even three days a week, can make a difference. An article from Very Well Mind defines self-care as “a conscious act one takes to promote their own physical, mental, and emotional health,” which is a good reminder for us to stay active for better health. 


The article was written by Pat Davison, R.N., and Reiki Practitioner.


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"Josephine is a gifted healer and mentor. I took the Soul-Wise sessions [now primarily considered an aspect of Shamanic Journeying and Energy Center Attunement] from her and found these sessions to be inspirational.

Josephine is a gentle guide that led me to experience my soul's essence. It was a very special moment for me when I felt the light around me and the peace it brought.

I highly recommend Josephine for spiritual guidance and look forward to taking more time with her in the future."  - Pat D.       

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